Risk factors relating to Breast Cancer

The primary risk factors of breast cancer is female sex, age, lack of child bearing or breast feeding, higher hormone levels, race and dietary deficiencies.
Risk factors that we as individuals cannot change are that breast cancer in more common in females, our age and race. 
In addition to the risk factors that we cannot change, there is an increased risk in where the individual has a personal history of breast cancer (a woman who has had breast cancer in the one breast has an increased risk of getting a second breast cancer) and family history (the risk becomes significant if at least two close relatives had breast or ovarian cancer).

Risk factors that are life style related are the lack of child bearing, (woman who have had more children contract breast cancer less), breast feeding, (woman who breast feed reduce the chances of contracting breast cancer), higher hormone levels (hormone replacement therapy after menopause increases risk) and dietary, (high fat diet, increased alcohol intake and obesity increase the risk in breast cancer)

Most breast cancer cannot be prevented through any action on the part of the effected person, however research has indicated that reducing alcohol intake, increasing physical activity and maintaining a healthy weight reduces the risk considerably.

Benefits of physiotherapy in the reducing the risks of breast cancer

It is in these areas of prevention that physiotherapy benefits the prevention of breast cancer, by increasing the physical activity and maintaining a healthy weight.

An important component of maintaining a healthy weight is to exercise and the following is recommended:

Walking for at least 30 minutes five (5) times a week
Running or cycling (vigorous exercise) for at least 20 minutes three (3) times a week
Performing 8 to 10 different muscular strength training exercises with 8 to 12 repetitions on each exercise in at least two (2) twenty minute sessions two (2) days of the week

Exercise tips:

If you battling to maintain a healthy weight or are battling to achieve a healthy weight we recommend the following:

Perform vigorous exercises for sixty (60) minutes to maintain weight and extend the time to sixty (60) to ninety (90) minutes to loose weight.  To lose weight effectively one and a half (1 ½) hours vigorous exercise is require

Set yourself realistic and achievable goals

Find ways to build exercises into your daily routine

Start slowly and increase gradually

Listen to your body. If you feel pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, take a break.